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ka preyasi vidheya
karuna dinesu sajjane maitri..
Q: What should be one's favorite duty in life ?
A: Being kind to all the suffering living beings and making friendship with the honest and holy.
ko muko yah kale
priyani vaktum na janati
Q: Who is a stupid man ? (ko muko)
A: He who does not know to speak sweetly (priyani vaktum)when needed.
kim danam
Q: What is a gift ?(kim daanam)
A: That which is presented without being asked for.
kah pujyo vidvadbhih
svabhavatah sarvada vinito yah
Q: Who deserves the respect (kah pujyo) of even the learned ? (vidvadbhih)
A: That one who is by nature (svabhaavatah) endowed with humility at all times.(sarvadaa viniito yah)
kah panguriha prathito
vrajati ca yo vardhakke tirtham
Q: Who (kah) is the really lame man ? (pangur-iha prathito)
A: That one who goes about on pilgrimage to holy places (vrajati -tiirtham) only after old age has set in.(vaarddhake)
kim smarttavyam pirusaih hari
nama sada na yvani basa
ko hi na vacyah sudhiyah
paradosascantaram tadvat
Q: What (kim) is fit to be remembered (smartavyam) always by man ? (purusaih)
A: The Holy Name of the Lord (Hari-naama) always (sadaa), and not (na) the speech (bhaasaa) of the unregenerate ones. (yaavanii)
Q:What (ko) should a wise man (sudhiya) avoid speaking ? (na-vaacyah)
A: Talking about others' faults (para-doshaa) and speaking falsehood (caanrtam tadvat)
mryutyhu yadavadhaanarahitam
Q:What (ko) is the cause of destruction (mrtyuh) ?
A: A lazy and listless attitude of mind.(yad avadhaana-rahitatvam)
kahi bhagavat priyah syat
yo'nyam nodvejayedabudvignah
Q:Who is (ko hi) dear (priyah-syaat) to the Lord ? (bhagavat)
A: That one (yo) who does not get angry (anyam-n-odvejayed), nor causes others to get angry. (anudvignah)
karuna dinesu sajjane maitri..
Q: What should be one's favorite duty in life ?
A: Being kind to all the suffering living beings and making friendship with the honest and holy.
ko muko yah kale
priyani vaktum na janati
Q: Who is a stupid man ? (ko muko)
A: He who does not know to speak sweetly (priyani vaktum)when needed.
kim danam
Q: What is a gift ?(kim daanam)
A: That which is presented without being asked for.
kah pujyo vidvadbhih
svabhavatah sarvada vinito yah
Q: Who deserves the respect (kah pujyo) of even the learned ? (vidvadbhih)
A: That one who is by nature (svabhaavatah) endowed with humility at all times.(sarvadaa viniito yah)
kah panguriha prathito
vrajati ca yo vardhakke tirtham
Q: Who (kah) is the really lame man ? (pangur-iha prathito)
A: That one who goes about on pilgrimage to holy places (vrajati -tiirtham) only after old age has set in.(vaarddhake)
kim smarttavyam pirusaih hari
nama sada na yvani basa
ko hi na vacyah sudhiyah
paradosascantaram tadvat
Q: What (kim) is fit to be remembered (smartavyam) always by man ? (purusaih)
A: The Holy Name of the Lord (Hari-naama) always (sadaa), and not (na) the speech (bhaasaa) of the unregenerate ones. (yaavanii)
Q:What (ko) should a wise man (sudhiya) avoid speaking ? (na-vaacyah)
A: Talking about others' faults (para-doshaa) and speaking falsehood (caanrtam tadvat)
mryutyhu yadavadhaanarahitam
Q:What (ko) is the cause of destruction (mrtyuh) ?
A: A lazy and listless attitude of mind.(yad avadhaana-rahitatvam)
kahi bhagavat priyah syat
yo'nyam nodvejayedabudvignah
Q:Who is (ko hi) dear (priyah-syaat) to the Lord ? (bhagavat)
A: That one (yo) who does not get angry (anyam-n-odvejayed), nor causes others to get angry. (anudvignah)